Saturday, March 21, 2009

Alberto & Kelly

So I finally got to shoot a wedding with my 70-200 2.8L lens today... I was a little concerned with my photos being a little out of focus, but the lens is so sharp! You really need two cameras to properly photograph a wedding, one with a large aperture telephoto, and the other with a mid range telephoto, large aperture as well but with a flash(preferably on a bracket). Its to hard to switch back a forth between the two quickly.

Heres a few shots from today that I liked.


Carolyn Beaudreau said...

simply gorgeous!

April Sweeney Photography said...

These are amazing Matt. Awesome job!

Unknown said...

Who is that sexy couple? Great pictures.

Kim Hennessy said...

these are great matt. and i agree, you totally need to shoot weddings these days with two's tricky sometimes to handle, but what a way to get some different shit. but flash brackets? don't waste your money. get some slaves and put those flashes wherever you want. its cheaper, lighter, and you get way better results.